Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth combat tips for every character

Throughout Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, you’ll engage in combat using various characters, each with a unique fighting style. While Cloud is often the main character, switching between party members to utilize their special abilities is essential for success. There are also instances where you’ll be required to use specific characters, making it vital to understand their strengths and weaknesses.

This guide provides combat tips and best abilities for each character in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

How does combat work in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

Combat in Rebirth largely mirrors the system from the Remake. Each character has a basic attack assigned to the Square button, which helps build their ATB gauge, allowing for the use of spells, items, or character-specific abilities from the X menu. Each character also has a unique move on the Triangle button that defines their combat style.

Abilities are acquired by equipping the relevant weapon and using them in battle. A new feature in Rebirth is Synergy, which allows for skills performed while blocking that speed up ATB gauge accumulation. Synergy Abilities are powerful moves best reserved for boss battles.

Cloud: Best Abilities and Combat Tips

Cloud serves as an all-rounder, excelling in both melee and magic, depending on the weapon equipped. He can slash enemies up close or attack from a distance using energy blasts after dodging.

His Triangle move enables a defensive mode called Punisher Mode, which automatically counters physical attacks while allowing for a series of sword swipes. This is particularly effective in one-on-one battles.

Two of Cloud’s standout abilities are Triple Slash, good for hitting multiple enemies, and Braver, a powerful strike that targets staggered foes. Focused Strike (Buster Sword) is also effective for increasing the Stagger gauge on grounded enemies.

Tifa: Best Abilities and Combat Tips

Tifa specializes in melee combat, boasting the highest strength stats among the characters. While she excels against single targets, equipping the right weapons and Materia can enhance her power significantly.

Understanding her Chi levels with the Unbridled Strength ability is crucial. At Chi level one, her Triangle move executes a quick Whirling Uppercut, which can be boosted to higher levels for more powerful attacks. It’s advisable to equip ATB boosting Materia to maximize her effectiveness early in battles.

Overpower (Kaiser Knuckles) and Starshower (Dragon Claws) are excellent for building enemy Stagger, but Divekick (Leather Gloves) stands out as a fast and powerful downward kick that makes for a great combo after an uppercut.

Barret: Best Abilities and Combat Tips

Barret is a ranged fighter who excels in distance combat. His gun arm allows him to support the team while dealing damage from afar.

His Triangle move, Overcharge, unleashes a series of explosive bullets, effective for staggering enemies, although it requires a recharge time that can be sped up by pressing Triangle repeatedly.

Bonus Round (Hi-Caliber Rifle) provides special bullets that are particularly effective for staggering foes, followed by Maximum Fury for additional damage. Lifesaver (Barrage Blaster) enables Barret to absorb damage for allies, allowing them to focus on offense while he heals himself.

Aerith: Best Abilities and Combat Tips

Aerith is primarily a healer and magic user, making her the weakest fighter in the group. While her basic attacks are slower, she can charge a Tempest by holding Square, which helps stagger enemies when fully charged.

Her Triangle move allows her to warp to the nearest Ward, providing buffs to her spells. Radiant Ward (Empress’s Scepter) is particularly useful as it speeds up her basic attacks, while Arcane Ward (Guard Stick) enables her to cast attack spells twice.

Other notable abilities include Sorcerous Storm for crowd control and Ray of Judgement (Plumose Rod) for quick staggering and damage against foes.

Red XIII: Best Abilities and Combat Tips

Red XIII is a new addition to the party, functioning as a tank with a focus on blocking. His special move builds up the Vengeance gauge, which enhances his attacks and damage output.

He excels against groups of enemies, using a spinning attack with Square to deal damage and rapidly boost his ATB gauge. Stardust Ray (Mythril Collar) can effectively obliterate enemies, while Reaper Touch (Brisingamen) provides healing based on damage dealt.

Yuffie: Best Abilities and Combat Tips

Yuffie, previously featured in the InterMISSION DLC, is a dynamic character capable of quickly entering and exiting battle. Her Triangle move allows her to throw her shuriken at an enemy, then warp to its position to continue the assault.

Yuffie’s Elemental Ninjutsu (4-Point Shuriken) ability can switch elements to exploit enemy weaknesses. Her standout ability, Doppelgänger (Bird of Prey), duplicates her moves, allowing for both additional damage and healing.

Windstorm (Twin Viper) and Blindside (Savage Dagger) help in staggering foes, with Banishment (Crystalline Cross) delivering substantial damage. Equipping ATB boosting Materia enhances her ability to trigger Doppelgänger quickly.

Cait Sith: Best Abilities and Combat Tips

Cait Sith joins the party later in the game and is unique in that he fights atop his Moogle. His abilities are often based on luck, adding an unpredictable element to combat.

He starts battles on the ground, using a magical soundwave to attack multiple enemies with Square. Once he has enough ATB, he can summon his Moogle, changing his Triangle move to a powerful Dropkick. If he dismounts, he can continue fighting on his own.

His Roll o’ the Dice (Yellow Megaphone) ability is random, affecting outcomes based on the roll from 1-6, providing various effects such as Fire damage to all enemies or adding buffs to the party.

These combat tips should enhance your gameplay experience in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and help you navigate the challenges ahead.

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