How to get the Smoke Bomb Compressor in Star Wars Outlaws

The Smoke Bomb Compressor in Star Wars Outlaws is an essential upgrade for your Speeder, unlockable after you meet Selo and complete the ‘The Mechanic’ Expert Intel mission.

To obtain this Expert Key Part, you’ll need to hone your timing skills, as strong gusts of wind will pose a challenge between you and your much-desired upgrade.

How to Acquire the Smoke Bomb Compressor

To secure the Smoke Bomb Compressor, you must first complete ‘The Mechanic’ Expert Intel and then proceed to complete the ‘Smoke Bomb Compressor’ Intel.

Once you finish ‘The Mechanic’ Expert Intel, the ‘Smoke Bomb Compressor’ Intel chain will become available. Open your Journal to track this Intel and hop on your Speeder to begin your journey.

Your destination is marked in the northern area of Boulder Forest. As you approach this location, look for a cave entrance at ground level that is blocked by fierce winds. Use your Speeder to boost through this entrance, transitioning from the windy area into a smaller open section.

Inside, search for a grapple point and use it to climb up. Follow the path, which will lead you to Fallen Mound, where you will find the Compressor you seek.

Once you arrive, continue along the left path until you encounter an enemy beast. You can choose to sneak past or engage it with your Blaster, though be prepared for a fight as it may take several shots to defeat.

In this area, look for a climbable wall and ascend it. As you move forward, you will encounter more strong winds. Timing is key here: run across the pathway when the winds die down to avoid being blown away.

Once you’ve successfully crossed, rappel down and follow the path to another area obstructed by wind. You should spot a device across from you that can be activated using the Ion attachment on your Blaster. Aim and shoot this device multiple times until it activates, at which point the winds will subside momentarily.

When the winds die down, advance forward and seek shelter behind a large rock in the center of the area. As the wind resumes, you will be shielded from it, allowing you to activate the device once more.

With the winds calmed again, move to the small gap in the rocks to your left to enter a safe area. Inside, you will find a large room with another strong gust of wind blocking your path. Look to the right to find another device, which you can activate just like the previous one.

Once activated, cross to the left side of the area where the control panels are located. Facing the way you entered, you will see two levers on the control panel in front of you. Command your companion to pull one lever down while you interact with the other, ensuring they are both activated simultaneously to open the door opposite you.

As you proceed, the winds will pick up again. Use your Ion Blaster module to deactivate the winds once more and quickly cross through the newly opened door.

In this next area, collect any items in the chests and continue following the path to the left, moving through another set of doors. Navigate through the dark room until you reach the Turbolift. Exit the Turbolift, and a container will be directly in front of you. Open this container to finally obtain the Smoke Bomb Compressor for your Speeder.

If you seek further assistance in Star Wars Outlaws, look for guides on winning Sabaac, cheating at Sabaac, understanding Reputation, and increasing your Reputation with desired Syndicate allies.

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