Zenless Zone Zero, how to unlock and improve trust with your agents, and get rewards

Building Trust with Your Agents

In Zenless Zone Zero, establishing a solid relationship with your agents is key to an enjoyable gameplay experience. However, trust isn’t granted right away; you’ll need to complete a specific mission called “Anby’s Concerns” to unlock this feature. This mission becomes available during Chapter 2 of the main storyline, specifically after finishing the interlude section of that chapter.

Before you can embark on this mission, you must reach a proxy level of at least 30, which is necessary to unlock the interlude. At a certain point in the narrative, you will be prompted to go to sleep, after which you’ll receive a message from Anby. Be patient, as it might take a little time for the message to arrive. Once you get it, go talk to her, accept the mission, and complete it. Successfully finishing this task will allow you to establish trust with Anby and participate in trust missions with other characters as well.

Enhancing Trust with Your Agents

So, how does the trust system operate? There are four trust levels you can achieve with your agents. To advance through these levels, you will need to engage with them on a daily basis, fostering a connection until they eventually present you with a personal task. Keep in mind that these tasks are only available during certain times of the day, so be sure to look out for them.

Rewards from Trust Levels

As you build trust with the characters, you’ll unlock a variety of rewards. Each time you raise your trust level, you’ll receive special gifts, culminating in unique wallpapers for each character once you reach level 4.

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