Adventures in Pokémon Go

They say dog walkers always find the bodies. Well, it has sometimes felt a bit like that playing Pokémon Go. Over the past five years, I’ve ended up in some unexpected places, sometimes at odd times of day, and as a result, found myself in some strange situations.

Pokémon Go has introduced me to new friends and provided countless adventures. I have witnessed people meeting, getting engaged, and even forming new relationships after leaving old ones—all thanks to this game. It has been a lifeline for many, helping players through tough times while fostering a sense of community.

From Isolation to Connection

Moving out of central Brighton six years ago left me feeling isolated and disconnected from my surroundings. I remember my parents asking about local landmarks that I had never heard of. Then came Pokémon Go, which encouraged me to explore my neighborhood filled with in-game locations. Working in Brighton also allowed my colleagues and me to escape the office for some creature-catching during lunch breaks.

In those early days, catching Pokémon was the primary objective, and players often utilized scanners to track their locations. As the game evolved, so did the community around it.

Late-Night Encounters

One memorable night, I set out for a Snorlax located about 20 minutes away. As I passed the last house before the countryside, I found myself jogging nervously in the dark. When I finally reached the Snorlax, I turned to head home, only to be startled by two people standing behind me. They had seen my flashlight and thought I was a burglar. When I showed them my phone with the Snorlax on the screen, they laughed and we ended up chatting about the area.

Gym Battles and Rivalries

After about a year, Pokémon Go revamped its gym system, enhancing territorial gameplay. Some players take this aspect very seriously, as certain areas are often held by specific teams overnight. In my local area, we even put up posters to find a prolific player who consistently held gyms nearby, inviting them to join our Facebook group.

Living next to a cluster of gyms, I often find myself popping out late at night to reclaim a gym, confident that I can earn my daily in-game coins. However, one night, I discovered a stranger was repeatedly taking the gym back from me. A friend who passed by that night confirmed that the player was, in fact, sitting outside, not spoofing their location. It turned out they were there as a witness in a local murder trial, using the game to distract themselves from a harrowing day.

Raiding Adventures

Raids introduced new challenges, both in-game and out. They required coordination and collaboration among players of all ages and backgrounds. Raiding became a way to meet fellow trainers and build friendships.

On one occasion, we headed to a raid at a church on the outskirts of town. The parking lot was filled with cars, but no one was around. As we started the raid, an empty hearse pulled up, revealing that a funeral was taking place inside. We quickly left, but my friends and I found ourselves in a comical situation trying to maneuver our vehicle out of a narrow lane.

Community and Connection

Reflecting on my Pokémon Go journey, I realize that the game has been overwhelmingly positive in my life, despite the occasional awkward situation. The daily interactions with friends, afternoons spent outside, and shared adventures have created lasting memories.

Some of my favorite moments include offering spare cinema tickets to two local players, who ended up going on their first date and are now getting married. I’ve seen couples find love while playing, and I even had my friends surround me at my wedding, demanding that the Pokémon theme be played.

This week, I received a summary of my in-game statistics over the past five years. I started playing Pokémon Go on its launch day and am nearing Level 47. I have visited 70,000 PokéStops and walked over 10,000 kilometers. However, these numbers only scratch the surface of my experience. Like any hobby, Pokémon Go is about the connections you make and the memories you create along the way. Here’s to many more adventures ahead.

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