How to get the Nibelheim Chocobo in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

In order to fully explore Nibelheim in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, you must first acquire the Nibelheim Chocobo.

Catching the Nibelheim Chocobo, named Selena, differs from other Chocobo wrangling methods; instead of using minecarts to navigate Cloud, you will need to throw bait to guide her towards you. This guide will detail how to catch the Nibelheim Chocobo and provide its exact map location.

For additional assistance as you traverse Gaia, you may want to learn about romancing Tifa, discover all Gongaga Cache locations, or locate Piano Sheet music.

How to get Nibelheim Chocobo in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Your first task is to locate the Chocobo Intel: Feathered Waverunners. This intel can be found southeast of the airstrip, directly across from a Remnawave Tower.

Obtaining the Nibelheim Chocobo is crucial, as certain areas in Nibelheim are inaccessible without utilizing its Chocojet ability, which propels you high into the air by blasting water below.

How to catch Nibelheim Chocobo in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

To catch Selena, you will need to complete a unique Chocobo wrangling minigame. Unlike previous methods, you will guide Selena by throwing Chocobo bait and maneuvering her between spiky green plants. These plants will disappear for brief moments, allowing Selena to pass through to the next area.

If Selena hits too many of the plants, indicated by a red bar above her head, she will flee, requiring you to restart the minigame. Thankfully, checkpoints are available at certain points, resetting the red bar and allowing you to start from further along in the minigame.

Begin by climbing the hill towards Selena’s position and collecting some Chocobo bait near the cliff’s edge. Then, throw a piece of bait close enough to Selena to prompt her to follow the Chocobo tracks in the ground.

At the first line of spiky plants, position Selena near them without making contact, then throw bait just before a section disappears to guide her through. This action will unlock your first checkpoint.

Repeat this process for the next line of plants: place Selena close by, then throw bait to guide her across just before the plants vanish.

Next, move her towards the Chocobo tracks again using the bait to unlock another checkpoint. This segment will require quicker throws, so monitor the pattern of the rising and falling plants to assist with your timing.

When the first small section of plants falls, throw bait to place Selena on top, then quickly aim left and throw another piece just before the next section is set to fall. Wait a moment, then throw more bait onto the safe track area right before the plants disappear.

Guide Selena further using bait, throwing it onto the next patch of plants when they vanish. Continue this process, throwing bait as the plants disappear to keep her moving safely.

Finally, once Selena reaches the last patch of plants, wait a moment and throw bait on the safe land area as the last plants disappear. Once you’ve successfully guided her there, all that remains is to sneak up and catch the Nibelheim Chocobo!

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